Our Mission Roadmap
The Westview Baptist Journey
The Westview Baptist Journey is a metaphor for our mission: Seeing lives changed by serving others in the selfless Spirit of Jesus.
The Roadmap (strategy) we use on our journey is the ACT Roadmap.
The ACT sandal reminds us of the journey we are making together and our desire to walk in the path Jesus modelled for us.
Accept... "Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God." Romans 15:7
Connect... Connecting, meeting together, gathering, encouraging, giving, and sharing are the best ways to move us forward in our walk with God. We need each other!
Transform...Transformation in our lives happens when we get involved in God's work of transforming others. Our job as a church is missional. God has placed us here to make a difference in this community. As we receive acceptance and connect with other believers we gain the strength to serve others.
Our Trip Essentials (values)... these are the items we can not leave behind.
Welcoming others with the grace Christ extends to each of us.
Relying on the Holy Spirit's powerful presence within, to lead us in all we do.
Reaching out into the community to lend a helping hand and to share the love of Christ.
Maturing in our walk with Christ by applying his teachings.
The Signposts (measures)... we look for these along the way to affirm that we are heading in the right direction.
Persistent Prayer
Gathering in Groups
Scriptural Study
Spirit-led Service
Intentional Inviting
Generous Giving
Our vision as a metaphor of a journey or road upward. The mountain and house symbolic of our surroundings and our church.
Our Destination... we will know we have arrived when we look back and see that lives have been changed through selfless service.
Our Mission Statement: Seeing lives changed by serving others in the selfless Spirit of Jesus.