Giving Options
To make a financial contribution online to Westview Baptist Church, use the BluePay link.
By Cash
Bring your gift to a Sunday service and place it in the offering bag.
By Cheque
Make cheques payable to Westview Baptist Church and bring your gift to a Sunday service and place it in the offering bag or mail your gift directly to the church.
Mailing Address:
Westview Baptist Church
3676 Joyce Avenue
Powell River, BC, V8A 2Y6
By Email Money Transfer
Address email money transfers to
Pre-authorized Debit
Signup for Pre-authorized Debit (PAD) and specify an amount to be directly withdrawn from your chequing/savings account monthly. Contact the WBC office during office hours for questions and to setup your PAD.
For questions regarding offerings and/or offering envelopes, please contact the WBC office at 604 485 9607 or