Ladies Bible Living Group


Ladies Bible Living Group

We have resumed meeting in the church foyer (respectfully with safe distancing in place) on Thursdays, 9:30 - 11:30. This fall we are excited to gather to grow in grace through encountering God as revealed in the Gospel of John. We read passages aloud together and are thus able to welcome newcomers and drop-ins easily. (Contact information will be required during the current restrictions.)

This small group of women meets weekly to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through praying together, reading and discussing scripture (using our Bibles and sometimes a small study guide), and sharing our experiences of God’s faithfulness and ever-presence in our daily lives. We laugh together, weep together, rejoice together as we help one another see Jesus in the ordinary, fix our eyes and hearts (again and again) on God in the midst of our messy lives and build our faith in Him as we live the truth that all is grace and that we are each Fully Reliant On God. We are united in Him and in our hunger for more of Him.